Roast Chicken, Cumberland Sausage & Vegetable Quiche (Chef Aaron)

1 ready prepared short or puff pastry sheet
Ready cooked vegetables (Cauliflower, carrots, zucchini)
1 packet Cumberland Sausages
1 Dewfresh chicken breast
6 eggs
300 ml fresh cream
300 ml milk
Chopped parsley
½ a teaspoon grated nutmeg
Brie cheese
Cranberry sauce
Sesame seeds
Line a pre greased 10 inch pie dish with the pastry, leaving it to overlap the rim. Allow resting in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Remove from the chiller, brush the bottom of the pie with cranberry sauce.
Fill with the pre-cooked vegetable, cooked Cumberland sausages and add them to the vegetables. Top up with the slices of precooked chicken breast.
In a separate bowl, break the eggs and whisk briskly, pour in the fresh cream & milk, whisk in the parsley & nutmeg.
Pour the mixture over the pie filling, sprinkle heavily with sesame seeds, drizzle with olive oil and bake at 160֯c until golden and set.