Company History

…a long way back to 1884

Dewfresh Products Ltd. is one of the largest pork and beef processing companies in Malta and has been established since 1982, however the history of the company and meat tradition of the Pisani family date back to 1884 with the establishment of the parent firm, ‘Gianni Pisani’ . Since then, the family has been working in the meat trade from generation to generation by being mainly involved with the running of butcher shops and involved in the livestock import business.


beginning of sausage production

After the end of World War II, Anthony started importing frozen meat and eventually two of Anthony’s sons, John and Charles joined the business to give a helping hand to their parents. During this time, John started manufacturing the English type sausages which in those times could only be produced in government controlled facilities in St Paul’s Street, underneath the meat market in Valletta, the reason being that all sausages had to have a galvanised government seal on them. Concurrently, Charles Charles together with his father Anthony managed the purchase of local meat from the local abattoirs, the distribution of the imported and manufactured products and Josephine ran one of the butcher shops (the other butcher shop was closed down).

The ‘Pisani Sausages’ as they were called, became increasingly popular so the first factory was bought in 1956 in Carmel Street Sliema and to increase the sausage production to cope with the high demand- the first imported automated sausage filler was purchased.

Portraits of the founders Josephine and Anthony Pisani


pioneers of the beef burger industry in Malta

Josephine was loved and respected by the shop’s clients who would willingly rely on her recommended meat dishes. In 1965, Josephine pioneered the manufacture of local beef burgers by producing small quantities within the shop with the help of a hand operated burger machine. These were immediately liked by her loyal clientele and due to the high demand, Anthony decided to increase the production of the ‘Pisani Burgers’ within the factory in Carmel Street Sliema.


establishment of J&C Pisani Ltd.

Anthony died in 1968. On the 14th November 1970, John and Charles set up their own company, J&C Pisani Ltd. which included the management of the butcher shop by Josephine, the manufacturing and import business. The butcher shop was later closed on the retirement of their mother, Josephine. Upon the establishment of the company they moved to Albertown in Marsa where they erected their first establishment comprising of cold storage facilities and a manufacturing plant, known today as Albertown Cold Stores.

The constantly increasing demand for ‘Pisani sausages’ and ‘Pisani burgers’ encouraged the company to invest in the automated machinery and human resources needed to meet the local demand. From then on, the company progressed at great strides. It became one of the leaders of frozen meat importers and manufacturer of English type sausages, beef burgers and other types of prepacked meat products.

The Dewfresh Pisani family


establishment of Dewfresh Products Ltd and increase of product lines

On the 27th December 1982, John and Charles established another company, Dewfresh Products Ltd. to separate the business into two companies, namely Dewfresh Products Ltd. as the manufacturing company and J&C Pisani Ltd. for the importation of frozen foods and distribution of Dewfresh products.

The success of the company led J&C Pisani to develop further by subsequent extensions of the original premises to cope with the increasing demand for their products:

1982 – The company expanded its cold storage facilities and enlargened the manufacturing plant so as to commence the production of more product lines consisting of ham, bacon and continental charcuterie products.

Dewfresh history of products


Continuous expansion and improvements in cold storage facilities and manufacturing plant

1992 – Extension of new coldstorage facilities for JCP and new pig chillers for Dewfresh


2005 – Upgrade of plant to EU standards

2009 – New Annex office block and new coldstorage facilities added

Today Dewfresh Products Ltd and J&C Pisani Ltd. both operate in a fully approved EU plant and cold storage facilities and together employ over 100 people . Both companies are still run by the Pisani family.

2016 – Purchase of more land for additional cold storage facilities.

Dewfresh Products Ltd and J&C Pisani Ltd, both operate in a fully approved EU plant and cold storage facilities and together employ over 100 people. Both companies are still run by the Pisani family with the children of John and Charles being very actively involved in the running and development of both the manufacturing and import business.